Singapore: Day 1 [Part 1]

Well, I'm not really the kind of person who enjoy doing the same thing too this year, my siblings and YenLeng decided to bring me to Singapore to celebrate my birthday instead (I'm kinda lucky to have these people who love and understand me).

I wouldn't say I'm a person who is obsessed with fact, this is the first time I'm leaving Malaysia. So, travelling is really something new to me.

Anyway, we decided to drive over to Singapore since only 4 of us will be in the car with Chiew Lian already in Singapore. 

Say hi to the camera before the journey starts...

Anyway, the drive to Singapore was really tired...I just don't know why but I am always sleepy whenever I drive....lOL! Anyway, our first stop in Singapore was to look for my sister, Chiew Lian...

After that, it was breakfast...we had ours in this place...

It is a Korean coffeeshop but to be honest, it looks pretty Westernized with a lot of Starbucks elements in it...nevertheless, we had a rather fulfilling breakfast after a tiring journey. I would definitely drop by this kind of place for a coffee session should I go to Singapore again.

Then, we head for Marina Bay...

Say hi next to sign board...

Our first stop was not to shop but we went for this instead...

Gardens by the Bay

I'm not really the kind of person who love going to Gardens looking at flowers but the view here blow me's like going into a place that gives you the peace of mind you need...

This place sort of give me the peace of mind I need...

Here are some of the snapshots taken...will post more when I blog about Gardens by the Bay...

After half a day in Gardens by the Bay, we were already extremely tired....

We had a simple lunch session in this place: Toast Box

I do not have any of the photos with me at the moment...but it was good after such a tiring day...we went to the Casino to have a look before we went to check into the Hotel....Holiday Inn Atrium...

We had our short rest there as we were all still quite tired from the travelling...then it was dinner, but I'll leave it for when I have more photos in my PC....check it out on Singapore: Day 1 [Part 2]

Billy Toh


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