Coffee Outing

Well, sometimes, life can take an unexpected twist. Some friends that you used to spend a lot of time becoming a stranger to you as you grow up while some others that you hardly talk to suddenly become good friends as you grow older. 

I guess that's what I feel about Jia Mei. Anyway, it was great to spend some time chilling with her on her arrival to KL from Penang. She came over for some activities and I managed to get her out for a few hours. 

I wasn't sure what to do but decided to go for coffee with her since she loves coffee as important similarity. Anyway, decided to got Tom along...initially, the plan was to go to "Butter + Bean @ Seventeen" but since that shop was full, we head to Coffee Ritual instead. 

Some food and coffee that we had
I fetched her from Pudu Raya with Tom as she reached about 2pm. 


Well, there are some difficulties looking for this place. Anyway, we managed to find and surprisingly when we went up, I saw Eunice, a former schoolmate of mine who was having coffee with her friends. 

My friend told me that the specialty here is their single origins gourmet coffees and I decided to go for Sumatra. Well, not everyone like this kind of coffee and I can see that in Tom and Jia Mei when they decided to go for something else...

Well, initially we wanted to head back to 17 to try the one at Butter + Bean but since Jia Mei had to make a move first for her basketball game, Tom and I decided to try it on our own, and I think we definitely make the right choice. 

If you wanna know how to go to "Butter + Beans" - at seventeen, just google for Happy Mansion's actually on the shop under the flat. I never could expect there to have such an awesome coffee place. One thing that is bad about it is the small space that it offers for business. Basically, the place couldn't cater for a lot of customers. But even when we entered, the coffee aroma simply blown us away.

The menu on the board....pretty cool huh?

I asked for a "Flat White" while Tom ordered "Piccolo". Basically, Piccolo is a small cappuccino. 

The Flat White that I had was good....the coffee aroma and taste was simply amazing....and it looks very "presentable"....something that I can't find in Starbucks....and it cost me RM9 only...even cheaper than Starbucks. 

I am not sure about the one that Tom ordered but apparently, the "Piccolo" is great as well, with strong coffee in it. I will probably go and try again some other time...

Feeling great on the weekend after hanging out with Jia Mei who came from Penang as well as enjoying beautiful coffee aroma and taste.

Billy Toh


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