I was blind but now I see

I still remember this song very much...Amazing Grace. 

"Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see."

I don't know how many times when I myself complained about life, forgetting how Amazing it really is the gift of life. 

Growing up is hard, especially when one is growing up poor and when there is a need to prove how good you really are in the working world. Things are not as straightforward as it was in the past. It's no longer about just doing the right thing. It's about doing the right thing, and doing it smartly. The world is cunning. Things are not as plain as right and wrong, or black and white. We are living in a world full of greyish boundaries. 

As 2014 starts, I want to take some time to ponder at things, at life for that matter...for the many wrongs that I had made, and for the many right things that I have chosen not to do. This year, I want to start with something simple, by committing to continue to teach 2 of my students for free. It's something that I hope can help them. I always believe that everyone need hope, regardless of how I felt about it myself.

When I was a teenager, God came into my life through the lives of those around me who chose to commit their time to help give me that HOPE. I might not be the best person to talk about love or hope, but I believe in all my flaws, God had made a way and I hope in little ways, Hope, Love and Life can have a different meaning to these children just as how it has been to me.

During the Christmas and New Year season, I managed to catch up with some of them...they were awesome and gave me little things such as a card and a cake. It was simple things, but it was from the heart.

As I grow older, success becomes more important. Money plays a bigger role, career is the ultimate goal and most of the time, it's become a ME journey, but I thank God for Christmas...I thank God for New Year, for a time to reflect at life...

Indeed, "I was blind but now I see...."

I have a lot of New Year resolution, but at least now I see....it's not just ME...it's bigger than me...Life is bigger than all of us alone...

Billy Toh


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