Back to my childhood makan place

It always bring back great memories when you visit places where you used to hang out when you were kid.

Since I was back Ipoh over the weekend, my family decided to go to Yee Lock. This was the place where I went for breakfast everyday when I was a kid. I loved the "Hor Fun". This people were my neighbors. It really did bring back memories...where I went there with makan with my grandma, cousins, and family. I used to walk over the back lane to the restaurant. It was great to just be back there for the breakfast.

The owners were husband and wife. Now only left the wife. It's a sad news because the husband passed away, but it was great to see business is getting better, especially since the Pau Hainan is quite popular now.

Check out the food that I used to eat almost on a daily basis when I was a kid.

Anyway, today's breakfast session definitely brighten my day.

Billy Toh


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