Seremban "Siew Pow"

Yesterday, I went to Johor Bahru with my ex-boss, now buddy, Stephen Ng to attend our buddy, Kelvin Teng's wedding.

Along the way back from JB, my boss and I decided to stop to buy the Seremban "Siew Pow".

Seremban "Siew Pow"

Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of all these but it's great to go and see for myself...the place is pretty big and the business seems to be pretty good as well. 


Well, it cost about RM1.50/pc....not sure if it's consider cheap but sounds pretty reasonable to me.

I can't say that it's a taste that I'll die for or even crave for....pretty much crispy and the Siew Pow is up to's tasty and good...although I wouldn't be driving down South just for it.

It's good but it's not extremely good that I couldn't live with it. Anyway, definitely wouldn't mind to have someone buying it when coming from that direction.

Billy Toh


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