PDRM toy cars

I was shocked when I first see this in Pavilion. It's hilarious. And then I wonder: who is going to buy this piece of crap? 

PDRM toy cars

I wonder how toy retailer Daisheng got the idea that Malaysians love their police enforcers so much so that they wanted to make them stars. 

It's funny when there are other toys that could make more sense than this. 

Apparently, Daisheng has 50,000 units of the exclusive PDRM toy car collection on standby, and is available at all hypermarkets and supermarkets nationwide and retail for between RM29.90 and RM79.90.

I am not sure...maybe it's just me but definitely a NO for PDRM toy cars. I wonder how many people will buy it. I'm definitely not one of them. 

Billy Toh


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