Star Wars: The Force Awakens positive reviews after Premier [Spoiler free]

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has received the applause, from the positive reviews that have so far been released after the Premier.

The Force Awakens as the movie kick start

After months of waiting for the new Star Wars movie to reach cinemas, the force finally awakened at the world premiere in LA last night to glowing first reviews on social media.

Here are some of the reviews snapshot so far....spoiler-free.

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens review: This is the sequel you're looking for. — Indy Film (@TheIndyFilm) December 16, 2015

    How was Star Wars? Great. Nothing more to say. Just go. #spoilerfree
    — andrew stanton (@andrewstanton) December 15, 2015

    Not going to say much till I see it again but rest assured THE FORCE AWAKENS is the best STAR WARS since 1983...maybe 1980.
    — Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) December 15, 2015

    STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS is a strong, promising kickoff. As a standalone, I'd rank it #3 in the series.
    — Josh Lincoln Dickey (@JLDlite) December 15, 2015

    "This will begin to make things right" is the first line of spoken dialogue in STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS, and I suppose that is true.
    — Josh Lincoln Dickey (@JLDlite) December 15, 2015

    Star Wars premiere just letting out now. A LOT of smiling faces. #StarWarsForceAwakens
    — Matthew Belloni (@THRMattBelloni) December 15, 2015

    Story, characters, design, humor -- #StarWars fans, this is the movie you're looking for.
    — Rebecca Keegan (@ThatRebecca) December 15, 2015

    Just leaving the #StarWarsForceAwakens premiere. It's really really good. Best one since Empire. — Phil Rosenthal (@PhilRosenthal) December 15, 2015

    JJ did it. #StarWarsForceAwakens
    — Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) December 15, 2015

    Rest easy: #TheForceAwakens is 100% #StarWars, and something new. Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac: welcome.
    — Adam B. Vary (@adambvary) December 15, 2015

    And without spoiling it, I can say that #StarWarsForceAwakens has the BEST final shot of any Star Wars film. Wow.
    — Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) December 15, 2015

    1st Star Wars review: it was epic, awesome & perfect. The cast was stellar. JJ killed it!
    — RainnWilson (@rainnwilson) December 15, 2015

    From comedy to costumes, fights to fx to overall feel, J.J. Abrams has created a thoroughly old-fashioned movie #StarWarsForceAwakens
    — Steven Zeitchik (@ZeitchikLAT) December 15, 2015

    Amazing!Amazing!Amazing! In awe. It's all you want it to be.Old/new/funny/heartbreaking.Daisy Ridley is astonishing!  — Fred Savage (@thefredsavage) December 15, 2015

    STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS is ok. I know it's poetry, I know it rhymes, but does every line have to rhyme with the last poem?
    — devin faraci (@devincf) December 15, 2015

    There's a new hero in town, in a movie that DELIVERS. Cried like a baby, whooped like a teen! #StarWarsForceAwakens — Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) December 15, 2015

    The Force Awakens is soooo Star Wars, and Daisy Ridley is the business, and #StarWars
    — jen yamato (@jenyamato) December 15, 2015

    Holy crap, that Star Wars #TheForceAwakens is so good in the best old-school way! #StarWarsPremiere
    — shonda rhimes (@shondarhimes) December 15, 2015

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoke to my every emotion. Most of them good, a few not, but overall it was an amazing, overwhelming experience
    — Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) December 15, 2015

Billy Toh


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