BATMAN v SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is coming out at the end of this month.

I'm disappointed that Christian Bale is no longer playing that role but Ben Affleck has his moments too. Let's just hope he'll appear great in this upcoming DC superhero clash. Anyhow still can't wait to see the two of my favourite superheroes go against one another.

Here is one of the favourite quote I heard from the trailer, when Lex Luthor introduced Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent...."Boys! Mm, Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent. Ah, I love it! I love bringing people together! How are we?"

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Here is the Batman that I got today while chilling around at Midvalley.


And how could I forget about Superman....

Really can't wait for the movie to come out already....

"The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world: Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham!"

Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman

Billy Toh


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