What's your mission for today?

I have always been a fan of Tom Cruise regardless of what others say about his acting and the best is always when he takes on the role of Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible. 

Here is one of the coolest scene that I've watched ever. 

Anyway, I thought about this clip when I accidentally swiped to the left on my Samsung Note 8, which is where Bixby is. For those who don't know, Bixby is Samsung's equivalent of Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant. 

While I'm not a fan of the feature, I find the home screen of Bixby to be captivating enough. 

What's the mission for today?

The thing about this is that it reminds you to keep your productivity level up. And while it is a Sunday, I began to think of the to-do list in my head, and calling it a mission spice things up a little. 

I ended up reading a few chapters of an ebook that I have purchased quite a while ago: The $100 STARTUP. It is an extremely easy to read and motivating book for those who are thinking of starting a mini project on the side.

Aside from that, I have also make sure I did some burpees (3 sets) along with other workouts. And honestly, it only took me about 30 minutes to do it including some stretches done in between breaks. I wonder why it is so difficult for us to allocate just 30 minutes to sweat a little. 

Don't worry...you are not alone if you're struggling to do so but if you have to done any physical activities this week, why not take a stroll with your dog or your loved ones? Or if walking outside is not safe, how about doing some stretching in the living room while catching up with the latest Netflix series? 

I hope as you read this post, you'll also be asking yourself whether you have been doing what you aim for so far this year. It's April already and if you have not, you better start. I know I have been sluggish, like how Manchester United have been playing, but it's really time to buck up. 

Billy Toh


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