Air Cond Servicing and Gas Refilling

Today, my brother and I spent RM460 for air cond servicing and gas refilling. It's the amount of money that we used for 3 aircond service.

Initially I saw a good deal from LivingSocial that cost RM200 but I could not make any appointment with the merchant. It was a horrible experience and I intend to ask for a refund for it. Lousy service and no commitment to communicate with the customers. Even Living Social was not quick to respond to problems like this. I'm so disappointed. 

Anyway, YenLeng's uncle knew this guy who helped with aircond service and gas refilling that could come today itself. I need to get it done today because my family and I will be going to Taiwan and the aircond inside my tenant's room no longer has any gas.

One of it is in my tenant's room, another in the master room and another one in the living room.

Anyway, after the service, the aircond definitely feels cooler and nicer.

Hopefully the RM460 is worth the money.

Billy Toh


1 comment:

  1. Air-con servicing is always expensive. It's not easy to get a good & reliable service.

