Run and Plank

I still remember the 30 Days Plank Challenge

It was great and challenging. And it requires hell a lot of discipline. 

Anyway, since I have been focusing a lot on weights the last 2 days, I decided to give myself some breathing space today by going for run and plank.

Not a very heavy exercise...took me bout 20 minutes, including some stretching and warm up.

I run for 2km only, with 12 minutes....not the best of timing, most likely due to the trackmill that's slightly incline upwards which makes it more tiring to run.

After that, I go for 2 sets of was at 1min 30 secs and another only 30 seconds. 

Have U Plank? 

It only takes say 5 minutes? 


Billy Toh


1 comment:

  1. I am not really sure what Plank is? but sound like a really good workout :)

