what two Weeks of "No Exercise" did to me?

Been relatively busy at work during the last two weeks and I thought of giving myself a "break" from the exercises. Perhaps I'll have more time to rest and do my work.

But here's what I realized in these two weeks after spending much of my week on running and workout previously.

Taking a "break"

Feeling lazier

This could probably be due to the extra times that I have and how my body reacted without any need to exercise or to push myself.

For the last two weeks, I couldn't really find myself to do other stuff after a long day of work. Of course, the heavy workload could be the reason but I tend to "switch off" when I got everything done without my exercise.

Tired and sluggish

I think the two goes hand-in-hand. I felt tired easily without any form of exercise. Sluggish that's for sure. Of course, I don't feel the sore like I did after I did some extreme workout but my body feels a lot slower.

Poor choice of diet

Instead of thinking "healthy", I was thinking like a busy man who always claim not to have time for exercise or to think about a good diet. I have been eating a lot of fast food during this period because it's fast and easy.

Probably the fact that I didn't hit the gym or workout, I don't feel so much of the need to maintain a good diet.

Bad at handling stress

I think this is one very important part that I've learned. During this time when I got certain issues, I became more agitated easier. Probably there isn't a room for me to destress and let things go, unlike when I was exercising.

The stress also linked to how I handle my emotion.

Doesn't feel so good about myself

Without the exercise, I don't have the "feel good factor". I'm not sure if it's what some people called as dopamine. But I'm not as confident as when I was in my exercise routine.


Billy Toh


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