Lumia 950 with a new back cover from Mozo

I managed to buy the back cover from Mozo to replace the Microsoft Lumia 950's original back cover. It's a white leather, and Mozo said it's a genuine leather!!

Now, that's something...because one of the main complaints on Lumia 950 besides the lack of apps is the build quality of the device. The original back cover of Microsoft Lumia 950 felt like a cheap plastic build. 

Here's a look at the phone from the side as well...

The white leather cover features gorgeous, genuine leather and it has this metallic rim that makes the Lumia 950 an upgrade in terms of its build quality. 

It really give a different feeling when holding a leather Lumia 950 than a plastic one. It totally transform the device to something more of a premium. I think Microsoft should package or bundle it along with its Lumia phones. 

Of course, my concern is that since it's white, it's probably susceptible to dirt. Not too sure about the durability of it as well but I've read some pretty good reviews of the Mozo back cover before buying them.

After changing the Mozo cover, it is slightly thicker though, but I think it helps to protect the camera lens. With the Mozo cover, the camera hump is no longer that obvious due to the slightly thicker. It's slightly heavier but not noticeable, so I don't really think it's a concern. 

Here's a look at the packaging of the Mozo back cover for Lumia 950, cost about RM129. Loved the Microsoft logo at the bottom of it, showing that it was designed for Microsoft Lumia. 

Behind the packaging, you could see that the cover also has the NFC and wireless charging feature, which means the original feature of the Lumia 950 is maintained. Tried the wireless charging feature as well and it works like charm so far. 

I was looking at Mozo websites and realized that there are a few different back covers with different designs that I could get as well. Honestly, by changing the back cover, it felt like an entirely new device in my hand. Love it lots so far. 

Billy Toh


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