Everyday is a Gift

Today is supposed to be the birthday of a friend or acquaintance that I hardly know. We talked mostly on the phones for work purpose and we grew closer through our conversation on the phone. We joked about the stock market and how some of the government's policies etc. But he's no longer here today. He passed away at the beginning of this year.

We were supposed to meet up before that but due to hectic schedules, busy deadlines and meetings, we ended up postponing it to a point that we'll never ever be able meet one another face-to-face. During the Chinese New Year this year, I got a Whatsapp message from his relative, informing me about his death due to heart attack. I was shocked but the reality hits me. Life is fragile. Just because existence seems so easy for most of us, it doesn't make it worthless.

Everyday is a Gift from God to us, whether it be one of those days that we call it great or one of those we call it bad, unlucky or even the Monday blues.

The fact that we are unconsciously taking in oxygen every few seconds with our eyes making rapid movement every now and then, with so many muscles working at the same time. The brain, blood flow, every single cells that work simultaneously to ensure the continuation of our very existence.  

And yet, for most part of our lives, we failed to appreciate it. It reminds me of the movie Click (2006), where Adam Sandler plays Michael Newman, who comes into possession of a remote control that controls time. To cut the story short, he basically skip all the parts of his life that he felt boring, insignificance. Eventually, he learns to cherish the moment with his family when the remote control eventually skip most of those moment.

My point: take your time and appreciate every moment of it. The conversation with your old men, your spouses, your siblings, your friends, and even your bosses. Because everyday is a gift. There is not a single day that would be the same as yesterday. Even though we have Monday, Tuesday or even Wednesday every week, each of the single days are unique, none are the same. 

I hope it makes sense to you because whatever that passed, remains in the past, at least until we discover time travel. Sorry if I bore you with my thoughts. Just something that comes into my mind. 

Billy Toh


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