The Avengers: Endgame hits a new record in its opening as it took a domestic record of US$156.7...
Walt Disney Co
Avengers: Endgame hits record, Disney the big winner
Posted - 28 April
“Getting married, having kids, giving half of my life”
Posted - 23 April
singapore trip
Are you ready for SEA's first Pokemon Go Safari Zone Event?
Posted - 18 April
I had a lunch with one of my seniors back in St. Michael. He is doing very well...
The time is now for the Pokemon Go Safari Zone Event. It's the first one in South East...
I have always been a fan of Tom Cruise regardless of what others say about his acting and...
Today is supposed to be the birthday of a friend or acquaintance that I hardly know. We talked...
"If you're like many in Malaysia, it's likely that the mamak or coffee culture is part of your...
"I know that it is not fair. That person is a criminal but he was able to get...
Quote of the Day
Sometimes the truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded
Trying to maintain a serious look on TV
What if you are on TV talking about serious subject matters such as how the market is being affected by all these serious and big stu...